How To Find Us

Newburyport Harbor on the Merrimack River in front of Waterfront Park in Newburyport.
Can’t find us? Click here and use What3Words. It will bring you directly to the boat!

You can also find this location in Google Maps by searching for "Yankee Clipper Harbor Tours”

Haverhill Municipal Dock behind 100 Washington Street in Haverhill.
Can’t find us? Click here and use What3Words. It will bring you directly to the boat!

You can find also this location in Google Maps by searching for "Haverhill Municipal Docks"

  • For both locations walk down the gangplank to the boats

  • Board 15 minutes before your slotted time

Tickets can be purchased here, at our dockside ticket booth on the day of the trip, or by paying with cash on board the boat.

See you soon!


Get in touch.